Join the Honor Roll

The 2019-2020 giving year is coming to an end! Each year, we recognize our brothers for their generous donations to the Psi Chapter in our Honor Roll. Have you earned your place on the Honor Roll? Click “Read More” to make your donation to the annual fund today for the 2020 giving year to see your name added to the list.

Share Your Thoughts, Sigma Nu Alumni!

In your opinion, what would the Sigma Nu alumni association look like at its full potential? Do you have any advice for your fellow leaders of the Sigma Nu alumni organization? We sent some of our Sigma Nu alumni these questions in an email questionnaire. Click “Read More” to answer these questions yourself.

Have You Registered On The Alumni Site?

Brotherhood is unique. We spend four years on a college campus with our fraternity Brothers, and as a result, we have a community for a lifetime. Click “Read More” to reconnect with that community during this uncertain time of social distancing and quarantine.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information & Resources

Health officials across the world are closely monitoring the coronavirus pandemic. Most colleges and universities throughout North America have implemented preventive measures including shifting to entirely virtual classroom instruction, placing limitations on in-person group gatherings, and requesting students to stay home to participate in virtual classes. Additionally, workplaces, communities, towns, cities, and states have instituted policies or guidance to increase social distancing.

Sigma Nu UNC Stands Strong

In a time of social distancing and quarantines, Sigma Nu Brothers remain true to our values… It only takes one look at the most recent headlines to realize that we’re all facing uncertain times. However, in the face of all this uncertainty and in spite of UNC shut downs and cancelled undergrad and Alumni events […]

More Than 90% of us Have Never Contributed!

Our annual fund for the 2019-2020 giving year began on September 1 and, so far, we have received 3 donations for a total of $675 toward our goal of $12,000. We greatly appreciate the donations we have already received, however we have a ways to go during the next six months. Did you know that over 90% of all alumni have never made a donation back to Sigma Nu? It is tax return season, so consider using some of your refund to make a contribution! It’s easy to do, just visit our website at click “Donate” in the top right hand corner. You can then choose to mail in a check, call our donation hotline or make a donation online.

Sigma Nu Love Stories

If you haven’t responded to our alumni updates survey from last month asking if your met your sweetheart because of Sigma Nu, there’s still time to share during this month of romance and love. Click HERE to reminisce about how Sigma Nu introduced you to the love of your life!