The Love Connection

For our February issue, we’re looking for love stories from brothers who met their spouses or significant others thanks to Sigma Nu UNC. Do you have a Sigma Nu love story to share? Email your story and photo to our editor or submit it here and watch for it to be published next month!

Sigma Nu: It’s a Wonderful Life!

As the holidays and the end of 2015 rapidly approach, a few of our alumni have offered their thoughts about what makes Sigma Nu at UNC “a wonderful life.” They share the same sentiment as does the holiday underdog, George Bailey, from It’s a Wonderful Life. In his words, George encourages us to “remember, no man is a failure who has friends.” What better memory of that than your days at Psi Chapter among some of the best friends you will ever have. Click below to read through the memories of your fellow brothers … in their own words … and to leave a few of your own. Happy Holidays!

Our Tar Heels Are Bowling in Orlando!

Your 10th-ranked UNC Tar Heels, with a record of 11-2 on the season, will face the 17th-ranked Baylor Bears (9-3) on Tuesday, December 29, 2015, in the 26th Annual Russell Athletic Bowl, formerly known as the Blockbuster Bowl, CarQuest Bowl, MicronPC Bowl, Tangerine Bowl and the Champs Sports Bowl. One analyst described this year’s contest this way: “North Carolina vs. Baylor. This could be the best non-New Year’s Day bowl of them all between pyrotechnic offenses. Don’t miss it.” Kickoff is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Eastern at the Orlando Citrus Bowl Stadium, with ESPN airing the gridiron matchup. Click below to read more.

‘Tis the Season

In the middle of the holiday season, there are things that get looked past, put on the back-burner due to other, seemingly more important priorities. Don’t leave your financial contribution to Sigma Nu on the back-burner this year! As you continue your holiday preparations, think back to your time at Psi Chapter! Remember your “second […]

10 of the Best Psi Pics Ever Taken?

Here is a collection of 10 of some of the best Psi Chapter photos ever taken. Or are they the best? Have a look! Do you have others that belong in this list?

4 Critical Steps for Fraternities Nationwide – What Do You Think?

This month, we have asked our alumni relations partner to give us some insight on a few trends that are helping fraternities nationwide innovate and swing the pendulum from suspension to some of the smartest management the Greek community has seen in decades.

In today’s world, the fraternities who are raising the most money, engaging the most alumni and racking up the strongest recruiting classes are NOT those with the best parties or the happiest story. Rather, they’re the fraternities who are asking difficult questions and making huge shifts in the way they manage their chapter houses.

So, what are these chapters doing? Click below to read more and to tell us what you think.

Are You Asking “What’s In It for Me?”

Every year, you’re asked to give back to Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu, and you may be asking WHY? Why should I give back? and What’s in it for me?  It’s the answer to these questions that will keep our brotherhood strong, connected, and active through the years to come. Giving back has invaluable benefits that remain steadfast year after year.

Brother Ball Proves Sometimes a Risk is Worth the Reward

Some would say it is serendipity. Others say it is connections. And others would say it is the right education. Whatever it is, Brother Robert Ball ’80 clearly was in the right place at the right time in 1998 when he became part of businesses on the brink of internet and cloud computing success. It was a good time to become an internet lawyer and a good time to take the risk. Click below to read more about Brother Ball.

Chapter Welcomes 4 New Pledges

Congratulations to our spring 2015 pledge class — three business majors and one political science major. They all hail from North Carolina. Click below for the list and watch for more about these four in our upcoming communication.

How Will You Remember This UNC Legend?

How Will You Remember This UNC Legend? Dean Smith. It is a name that is synonymous with leadership, winning, hard work, tradition and dedication. And while Coach Smith was not a Deke (he was a Phi Gam from Kansas), he stood for many our own Sigma Nu mission: “to develop ethical leaders inspired by the principles of love, honor and truth; to foster the personal growth of each man’s mind, heart and character; and to perpetuate lifelong friendships and commitment.”