Help Us Reach Our Fundraising Goal!

As spring approaches, now is a good time to look at the status of our annual fund. So far, we have only received two donations for a total of $200.00 this giving year. Our goal is to reach $5,000 from 50 donors by the end of August, and we can’t do it without your help

We’re Missing Hundreds of Alumni Email Addresses!

Help! We are missing 700 email addresses from our alumni members. These guys are missing out on valuable alumni communications, like the one you are reading right now! Do you recognize any of these names? Think they’d like to receive email communications? Your email addresses are always kept in a secure database, and never shared […]

How Would Your Life Be Different If You Hadn’t Joined Sigma Nu?

We recently asked each of you to reflect on how your life might be different if you hadn’t joined Sigma Nu, and Vance Forbes ’71 shared the status of his relationship with his brothers, which still remains strong today. Vance said, “My very best friends today were made in the Sigma Nu house way back […]

Yackety Yack Yearbook Photo Flashback

In this day and age of scanners, digital phones and social media, we are counting on you to help us preserve some of the best pictures from throughout our chapter’s history. Do you have great fraternity pictures tucked away in your drawer, packed away in your attic, or in a frame on your desk, like […]

Let’s Go, Tar Heels!

With Syracuse making a comeback and UNC putting away Notre Dame, the Final Four showdown for March Madness on April 2 will truly be interesting.

I Am a Fraternity Man

Who are fraternity men? They are military heroes, servicemen, strong and inspirational men, musicians, celebrities, pastors, activists, humanitarians, visionaries, athletes and so much more.  There is plenty of inspiration out there in the fraternity world and one way to find it is at I Am a Fraternity Man’s Facebook page. Check it out for your […]

More Than 90% of us Have Never Contributed!

Our annual fund for the 2015-2016 giving year began on September 1 and, so far, we have received one donation of $100 toward our goal of $5,000 from 50 donors. We still have a long way to go over the next six months! Did you know that more than 90% of all alumni have never made a donation back to Psi Chapter?

Help Your Brothers Stay In-The-Know!

Since our resolution is to stay connected and be more involved, it’s important for us to lend a hand to those who are not receiving our publications. There are 700 brothers who are not receiving our electronic updates and 27 brothers who are not receiving mailed updates. Click below to see how you can help your brothers reconnect and receive vital information and updates.

Psi Chapter’s Resolution: To Stay Connected and Involved

With the New Year upon us, it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. One of Psi Chapter’s 2016 resolutions is to stay connected with our fellow brothers and be more active. So, what have you been up to since you left Chapel Hill? Click below to find out how you can reach out to your brothers this year, share your successes and see what everyone’s been up to.

Psi Chapter Depends On You!

We are halfway through our giving year with $100 from 1 donor. We are capable of so much more than this!
As an alumnus, you may not have Psi Chapter at the top of your priority list. Maybe you’ve lost touch, maybe you’ve gotten caught up with your job, your family and a life of your own. There are many reasons why you might not be as close to the chapter as you’d like, but there’s one big reason why you should be.

Without your help, there may not be a Psi Chapter in the future.