Psi Chapter’s Resolution: To Stay Connected and Involved

With the New Year upon us, it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. One of Psi Chapter’s 2016 resolutions is to stay connected with our fellow brothers and be more active. So, what have you been up to since you left Chapel Hill? Have you caught up with any brothers recently? Attended any events? Gotten married? Had kids or grandkids? Moved? Retired? We, your brothers, want to know!

Brother Vance Forbes Jr ’71 managed his family trucking business until they sold out in 2008. Now, he is retired. “No new hobbies, but my wife and I are going to Spain next fall with some old Sigma Nus and I am going to Ireland in June with Ken Powell, Tom Cozart and others to play golf.”

Submit your update today and don’t forget to include photos for our online albums!