Get Back to Your Carolina Roots

You may be out of school, but there’s still plenty for you to do on campus or in conjunction with UNC—lots of activities that are perfect for a weekend with your family and/or Sigma Nu brothers.

Family Legacy Lives on at Sigma Nu

By Joe Moye ’63

My dad was Psi 233 and he first introduced me to Psi chapter in 1947 after a football game. Two of his cousins and many of his friends, including the band leader and movie star Kay Kyser who was his roommate one year, were Sigma Nus. Their memories and stories of college life got better if not more believable each time I heard them. 

I grew up determined to attend Carolina and meeting Joe Quigg ’58 and Pete Brennan ’58 at Camp Sea Gull in 1955 erased any doubt I might have had that I wanted to pledge Sigma Nu. My sons Todd ’92 and Will ’95 were raised in Atlanta to become Tar Heels and I am proud that they became brothers at Psi chapter also. Maybe Todd’s sons will be fourth generation Psi brothers and Will’s daughter will be a White Star Princess one day.

Senior David Vitek Inducted into Order of the Golden Fleece

Golden Fleece InductionIn early April, several brothers attended senior brother David Vitek’s induction into the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Order of the Golden Fleece is the oldest and highest honorary society at UNC. The Order selects members based upon service to the university as reflected in scholarship, motivation, creativity, loyalty, and leadership in […]

Road Tripping

Psi Brothers Bond in Weeks Prior to Finals

Between spring break, the initiation of three spring candidates, and the excitement of the NCAA tournament, March and April have been quite busy for the undergrads of Psi Chapter. There was no shortage of bonding though. The last few weeks have been packed with exciting experiences for all of the undergrads.

Now, they’re recovering from the excitement of the NCAA championship and are preparing for the closing weeks of the semester. With the last day of classes and exams looming, they look forward to finishing the year on a strong note.

Click below for a few photos of the latest trips!

Full House for Final Four Games

Did You Celebrate with Brothers?

In true Tar Heel fashion, the Psi Chapter had a full house for the Final Four games. They put up a projector and seating in the front yard, and everyone watched together. They were even featured in this Final Four video from SportsCenter.

Spring Break Trip of a Lifetime

Taylor Dameworth Spends Break Helping Others & Honing Professional Skills

Undergrad member Taylor Dameworth (Psi 1844) didn’t spend his spring break on the beach like you might think. Instead, he took the spring break trip of a lifetime, gaining valuable professional experience and serving others in need. Below, he recounts his incredible experience.

“Over Spring Break, I had the amazing opportunity of crossing cultures and venturing to the Dominican Republic with UNC’s chapter of Global Medical Training. The 30-person group of pre-medical and pre-dental students spent four days traversing the beautiful landscape to provide clinics for remote villages dispersed throughout massive sugar cane plantations…”

Three Promising New Members Join Sigma Nu

The Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu is proud to announce that we will be adding three promising new members this spring.

Rick Harrison, Trey Sullivan, and Jonathan Woody are all first-year students of UNC Chapel Hill. Rick Harrison is the son of Rick and Michelle Harrison and grew up in Winston-Salem, NC. He graduated from Reagan High School and now studies Biology as a Tar Heel. Rick has always had a passion for sports and science and is very interested in performing biological research after his time at UNC. He hopes to contribute to Sigma Nu by bringing positive changes through future leadership positions.

Sigma Nu Officially Launches a Mentor Network

Members Learn & Gain Insight from Multiple Advisors

Are you seeking career advice? Or are you in the position to mentor young alumni?

Sigma Nu has officially launched their mentor network, which allows alumni to provide and receive assistance with resumes, interviews, job search, and more.

This newfound program was inspired by a 2013 survey that indicated a strong desire for a formal networking platform.

Now, members truly have access to a group of advisors they can rely on to guide them in their careers. Learn how you can benefit from this program.

Growing Our Chapter

Undergrads Seek Alumni Recommendations for New Members

By Akash Mishra

With the spring semester winding down, we are shifting our attention to rush for Fall 2017. As we approach 100 active brothers, we understand how important it is to give bids to the right people.