Happy Holidays!

Take a Minute This Season and Call an old Friend
The final phase of the holiday season is officially upon us and things are busy, busy busy! It’s easy to forget why we do all this rushing around and spending every year considering the stress we put ourselves through. There is really no better time in the year to finally make that call to your Psi Brother that you have been meaning to make and no better time to help the Chapter. You never know when that simple call or text to an old friend this time of year could make all the difference in the world.
Annual Fund Update – November 2018

2018 Annual Giving Year
Thank you to all alumni donors who have already made their gift for the 2018-19 annual fund. As a reminder, the annual fund runs from September 1 through August 31 each year, and supports alumni communications and events, house renovations, and chapter resources on a yearly basis.
Holiday Greetings

Thankful for Psi Brotherhood
We want to wish all of our current Psi Chapter undergraduates as well as all of our alumni Happy Holidays. With Thanksgiving over, the holiday season is officially upon us. It is always a time of reflection, celebration, memories and most importantly; gratitude. Whether you will be traveling to visit with family, meeting up with some alumni Brothers for a drink or if you are a student staying close to campus to catch up on work over the holidays, we hope that you enjoy your time and get a chance to relax.
Alumni Update

130th Celebration and Other Recent Events
The Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu recently hosted and took part in a handful of events and we wanted to share an update as well as some photos. Please visit the website and submit an update if you have additional photos to share.
Halloween 2018

Know Any Good Ghost Stories?
Every university in America has folklore. There have always been stories about haunted libraries and apparitions wandering the dorms. UNC is no different and there is no other time of year better suited to share these stories and legends than October. With Halloween right around the corner, we want to ask if any of you have any scary or unexplained stories from your days with Psi at UNC.
National News

Most Fraternities Are Banning Hard Alcohol in Response to a Series of Drinking-Related Deaths
Most fraternities in the US will no longer allow hard alcohol unless it is served by a licensed, third-party vendor under new rules announced by a national governing association.
130th Anniversary

Mark Your Calendars
The weekend of October 12-13 marks the 130th Anniversary of the Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu, and we will be hosting a party for any alumni interested in making it back to Chapel Hill for the weekend. On Friday night (10/12), we will be hosting a party from 7-11 with the Had Matters (a popular band of local UNC guys back in the 80s) playing on our front porch.
Fall is for Football

Brothers Gather for Pittsburgh Game
We had our first tailgate of the season Saturday the 22nd for the game against Pittsburgh. The event was a big success; we had a lot of old alumni back at the house and everyone seemed to have a great time.
Why We Still Support Sigma Nu

Some Thoughts On Why We Still Give
Sigma Nu graciously thanks all of the Brothers who have given to our Annual Fund in the past, as well as this year. As a reminder, the Annual Fund runs from September 1 through August 31 each year, and supports the cost of alumni communications and events, house renovations, and Chapter resources on a yearly basis. There is still time to give so please, consider even a small gift as a way to show your support.
Have you ever asked yourself why you give? Is it part of your charitable routine? Do you believe in affording the next generation of young men the same experience you had with Sigma Nu? Whatever the case, we again, thank you. Here are some reasons we collected from past surveys of other Sigma Nu members from various Chapters around the country about why they have and continue to give back to our organization:
August Photo Flashback

Re-Visiting 1991 Psi
This month we are taking the photo time machine back to 1991 at UNC; a gallon of gas was $1.12, “Point Break” and “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” premiered in theaters , The Gulf War ended with Operation: Desert Storm, Bryan Adams and Extreme were all over the radio, the Tar Heels went 7-4 and the airbag was invented…but where were YOU that year?