Updates From the Undergraduate Chapter

Vice President, Sam Agnew, and David Vitek during a visit to
San Diego this summer for the Sigma Nu Grand Chapter. 

A Letter From the Undergraduate President:

My name is David Vitek and I am a senior Public Policy student from Raleigh, NC. Over the past 8 months as president, I have worked with the executive board of the Chapter to begin many new initiatives that have strengthened the chapter and are ensuring operations are sustainable for years to come. One of the biggest priorities for us has been strengthening the sense of accountability within the chapter and holding each other to high standards. We also are working to increase Sigma Nu’s footprint and impact on campus and in the community. Chris Batchelor and Akash Mishra have been doing lots of work this summer, and will be doing much more in the coming months to strengthen our alumni connections, and learn more about the history of the chapter. We hope you notice the increased focus we are taking on providing more updates and pictures on the website. 

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time by email ([email protected]) or find me on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidedwardvitek). 





Rush Results: 

The newest members of the chapter. 

We are happy to announce that 21 candidates accepted their bids to join our chapter this fall. The recruitment period this year was much longer than in years past, but our rush chairs, Carson Southard ’19 and Chris White ’19, did a great job organizing events that allowed us to build relationships with potential candidates. Our chapter has been steadily growing since the re-establishment in 2006, and we currently have 81 active brothers.

Here is a list of our newest members: 

Rob McCollough


Carolina Day

Joshua Slater


RJ Reynolds

Drew Pascual



Dean Bowman

Sarasota, FL

Pine View School

George Valaoras


Myers Park

Bo Kenan

Winston-Salem, NC

RJ Reynolds

Alfredo Quiros

Pinehurst, NC

Union Pines

Nick Furigay

Ashevile, NC


Alex Matthew

Cramerton, NC

Highland Tech

Will Heard

Durham, NC

Durham Academy

John Babcock


RJ Reynolds

Henry McDonald


Myers Park

Nick Dishner


RJ Reynolds

Jack Hensley


St David’s

Davis Rourk

Hillsborough, NC

Durham Academy

Addison Dunham

Greensboro, NC


Luke Antinori

Asheville, NC

Carolina Day

Danny Edmonds

Fayetteville, NC

Fayetteville Academy

Elliot Thom

Asheville, NC

Carolina Day

Harrison Moyle

Briarcliff Manor, NY

Briarcliff High School


We encourage you to come out and support UNC football with the Psi Chapter this fall as well. Parking spots are still available for $25 per game, and they include a meal of the best BBQ in Chapel Hill, courtesy of Big Sam. If you are planning on attending a game, please email Chris Batchelor at [email protected] to ensure that there will be parking available. 

Go Heels!