Undergraduate Update: COVID on Campus

We know that many of our alumni Brothers have questions about how life at Psi Chapter has changed given these uncertain times we’re living in. COVID-19 has changed the way we conduct our daily life, and the undergraduates are no exception. We reached out to Andrew Michael Pipkin and asked him about what life as a Sigma Nu at UNC is like nowadays.
1. Where are you originally from? How did you end up at UNC?
I am originally from Raleigh, NC and wanted to come to UNC my entire life because this is where my dad attended both undergrad and law school. When applying to colleges back in high school, I knew that UNC was the only place I would truly be happy at!

2. Why did you decide to pledge at Psi Chapter? What drew you to the brotherhood?
I pledged as a sophomore and decided to go Sigma Nu because I really enjoyed everyone that I met throughout the rush process. Additionally, I could tell that everyone was extremely close with one another and I knew that if I accepted my bid I would be joining a tightknit organization, which was important to me.

3. How long have you been involved with Psi Chapter? What have you learned/gained from your involvement?
Since I pledged as a sophomore and am now a senior, this is my third year in the fraternity. Over the course of my time in the chapter, I have learned how to be a much better leader by listening to what other members of the chapter want and to negotiate and compromise when there is conflict.

4. Do you have a leadership role at the house by any chance? If so, what’s your title?
Currently, I serve as the Alumni Relations Chair. Typically, my main duties would be to plan the tailgates for football season and send out the information for the monthly eLetter, but due to COVID we are unable to have any tailgates this year. This is very tough for many of the brothers in the chapter because tailgates are events that see a high number of alumni come back to town and allow us to reconnect and reminisce with them.
5. What’s your expected grad year from UNC? What are your area(s) of study?
I am set to graduate in May of 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Sport Administration. 

6. Are you involved in any extracurriculars? If so, could you tell us a little bit about your experiences? How are your extracurriculars changing in the coming school year, due to COVID-19?

I am in both the Carolina Sport Business Club and Carolina Sport Administration Club. Due to COVID, club meetings have been relegated to Zoom, but the leadership of each organization is working hard to make sure that there are plenty of opportunities for members to take advantage of, such as virtual networking events and guest speakers. 

7. How does this fall’s rush process differ from past years? How has it altered to account for COVID-19?

This year the rush process looked very different. Instead of having large events where all the rushees could gather at once, we had to break things up into much smaller groups. This made it difficult for brothers to meet rushees, and for rushees to meet one another, so our rush chairs had to be very strategic when planning these small and socially distant gatherings. Nonetheless, we were able to secure a fall pledge class of 10 candidates, with several more expecting to accept their bids when they return to campus in January or next fall. 

8. Are there any events at the house that you’ve had to cancel or alter due to the pandemic?

Because of the pandemic, we really are not able to have any large scale events. So, not only does this mean I am unable to plan tailgates, but out social chairs are unable to organize mixers and cocktails as well. Every now and then, the brothers living in the house will have smaller gatherings, but are sure to keep them within the restrictions of the Orange County Health Department.  

9. How is day-to-day life in the house different this year from previous school years? What safety precautions are the brothers taking?

Life at the house looks much different this year. Some brothers that were planning on living at the house ended up staying at home, so there are a couple of empty rooms waiting for their arrival next semester. Additionally, the food situation is not what it has been in the past. Big Sam and Angelo still fix lunch and dinner, but most people choose not to eat in the annex out of respect for them and their health. When a brother goes in to place an order for lunch or grab a dinner plate, he is sure to use hand sanitizer that is set out on the table and has a mask on as well. Lastly, dinner is no longer served buffet style. Instead, Big Sam will give anyone who asks a pre-prepared plate of food with the dinner for that day.  

10. Do you have any post-grad plans at the moment?

After graduation, I plan on attending law school and am currently in the middle of studying for the LSAT for the second time. I will be taking it on October 3 and plan to have all of my applications submitted to schools before the end of the semester. Ideally, I would like to go to school somewhere in North Carolina, Virginia or Georgia.