Three Ways to Keep in Touch With Psi if You Live Far Away

If You Live Far Away from Your Organization, It Can be Hard to Remain Active

It may be hard to stay in the know if you’re not local or living in another state. But the distance doesn’t have to deter you from staying involved and up-to-date. Here are three ways to keep in touch with your organization even if you live from far away from your Chapter.

Connect via social media                                                                                                     

Social media doesn’t just have to be for entertainment, it also is used to your advantage as a way to connect. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are all ways to stay in touch with current and past members. Usually, your organization will have some sort of social media presence. Start by connecting with your Chapter president to find out their platform of choice.

Through emails and message boards

Is there a group chat on a messaging app? If there’s a message board to join, this is a great way to keep in touch with alumni. If neither option is available, this is a great idea to suggest as there may be more members who are out-of-state that want to stay in touch.

Through phone calls or regular conversations

Even in our digital-first society, phone calls and conversations still go far. When was the last time you picked up the phone to talk with your Brother? Nothing beats voice-to-voice interaction when you can’t speak to someone in person. Set up group conference calls for your class and reminisce together or plan your next in-person meet up!


Don’t let distance deter you from being active and involved with Psi. Connection and community can happen no matter where you live.