Thank You for Your Service

In honor of Armed Forces Day on May 21, we would like to thank all of the Sigma Nu brothers who are/were members of the armed forces.

Colonel L. Carter Burwell III (pictured right) USAF, (Retired) – ‘ 66. Upon graduation from Officer’s Training School was assigned to the 507th Direct Air Support Squadron, Shaw AFB, SC and was Assistant Air Liaison Officer, 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, NC. I completed Counterinsurgency School (COIN), Air Ground Operations School (AGOS), Eglin AFB, FL, US Army Airborne School, Ft Benning, GA, Forward Air Controller School, Hurlburt Field, FL and Jungle Survival School, Clark Air Base, Philippines. Then, I flew in the Steve Canyon Program as a Forward Air Controller from Apr 1969 – Sept 1970 and was assigned to the 504th Tactical Control Group (TCG), Bien Hoa AB, South Viet Nam and 23 TASS, Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, and Thailand. I then completed 190 combat missions in OV-10 and O-2A aircraft in Laos and Cambodia, while attached to the US Army, 5th Special Forces Group (SOG) at NKP, supporting a highly classified DOD program called Heavy Hook/ Prairie Fire.

David Weir CDR, US Navy (Retired)

Vance Forbes, NC National Guard, Staff Sargent (1970-1977)

Hal McAdams Jr. I was a Second Lieutenant medical service corp officer with the first infantry division in Vietnam in 1969.

Brandon Gorman, Major, US Marine Corps, Infantry and Active Duty. I’m currently studying at the US Naval War College and graduated from UNC in 2000. 

Tom Adams after 4 years at UNC, I went to Naval OCS and later Naval Supply School. I served about two years aboard the USS Iredale County LST 839, mostly in Vietnam, and was discharged in 1970 as a Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Blake Thomas I served in the U. S. Marine Corps Reserves from 1959 to 1963 and on active duty from 1963 to 1969. I did two tours in RVN from rifle platoon commander to company commander and operations officer, then ended the last tour as Officer in Charge of G2 Intelligence Production for Northern South Viet Nam. When I was at the Marine Corps Ceremonial Guard in Washington DC, between RVN tours, was periodically Assistant Security Officer at Camp David. I left the Marine Corps in 1963 to pursue a related career as a civilian.

J L Fritsch NROTC scholarship student at UNC. As a rising senior, I was selected for 8 weeks foreign exchange duty with the French Navy aboard Duquesne (D603), a guided missile frigate, home ported in Brest, France. I was also commissioned as Ensign on May 12, 1974 and attended jet training in Pensacola, FL and Kingsville, TX. Then, I served on active duty for 11 years as an A-6E carrier based jet pilot. I was also hand-picked to provide night close air support to the Iranian hostage rescue attempt in April 1980, and then left active service to work on Wall St. in NYC in 1985. I retired from the Navy Reserves as a Captain after 27+ years of active and reserve service and also retired as a Managing Director at Citigroup as an institutional bond sales manager in 2008. I currently reside in Charleston, SC with my wife of 20 years, Eva Dillon. At Psi Chapter, I was the Treasurer for 3 years.

If you are a member of the armed forces and not on this list or if your information is not up-to-date, please let us know by clicking here.