Taylor Dameworth Spends Break Helping Others & Honing Professional Skills
Undergrad member Taylor Dameworth (Psi 1844) didn’t spend his spring break on the beach like you might think. Instead, he took the spring break trip of a lifetime, gaining valuable professional experience and serving others in need. Below, he recounts his incredible experience.
“Over Spring Break, I had the amazing opportunity of crossing cultures and venturing to the Dominican Republic with UNC’s chapter of Global Medical Training. The 30-person group of pre-medical and pre-dental students spent four days traversing the beautiful landscape to provide clinics for remote villages dispersed throughout massive sugar cane plantations.
Students worked alongside Dominican doctors, dentists, and dedicated translators to diagnose illnesses and prescribe medication with the ultimate goal of improving holistic health. At times, two translators were involved to translate from Creole to Spanish and then Spanish to English.
While working in the dental clinic, I gained hands-on experience and watched numerous procedures that enthused me to pursue the profession. The scope of health disparities in the hemisphere is shocking and depressing, but the spirit, kindness, and culture of the Dominican people was uplifting; in addition to the medical and dental exposure, the hospitality and genuine nature of the people made the trip an unforgettable and life-changing experience.”
We’re so proud of Taylor for volunteering his time to help those who need it most—and for choosing a trip that will only further advance his career!