January Updates

Akash attends College of Chapters

Over Winter Break, our Eminent Commander Akash Mishra attended the Sigma Nu College of Chapters to discuss policies and strategy for success within the fraternity.  Read what he had to say about his experience:

I attended the Sigma Nu National College of Chapters conference from January 3-5. It was a busy and exhausting time, but I learned a great deal while I was there. The conference took place at the historic Hotel Roanoke in Virginia. Eminent Commanders from every chapter in the country attended the conference, along with several alumni, and national advisors. It was interesting to share ideas and issues with Presidents from throughout the country. I enjoyed becoming friends with many of these Sigma Nus, and we all learned new strategies and tips for success. I found that—despite differences in size, geographic location, and tradition—many chapters share the same concerns and issues. Each day was chockful of sessions and workshops, all designed to prepare incoming ECs as strong leaders.

During the conference, the entire group took a day trip to visit the founding grounds at VMI, and the national headquarters in Lexington. I enjoyed seeing the history of the fraternity eternalized throughout the headquarters, and learned several things about Sigma Nu that I had never known.

All in all, the trip was great, and I appreciated the opportunity to attend. I hope that I can be a great representative of our proud chapter throughout the next year. I am confident, and excited about the progress that the Psi chapter can make in 2018.

Psi Alum Joe Cheshire Speaks to Chapter

This past Wednesday, January 24th, Psi Chapter alum Joe Cheshire visited the Chapter to speak to a group of brothers after dinner.  Mr Cheshire is a highly acclaimed attorney throughout both North Carolina and the United States as a whole.  Mr. Cheshire shared with us his long list of accomplishments, including graduating from North Carolina with a major in history, graduating from Wake Forest law school, and even serving as a lieutenant in the US Army.  Regarding his illustrious legal career, Cheshire has handled a number of capital and first-degree murder cases, along with representing and successfully defending the Duke Men’s Lacrosse team in their highly controversial case in 2006.  As if that wasn’t enough, Cheshire was named the Top Lawyer in North Carolina for the past two years in a row by SuperLawyers.com.  Along with the accounts of his legal career, Mr. Cheshire shared with us his time as a Sigma Nu, including stories living in the house and what daily life was like in Psi Chapter back in the early 70s.  Needless to say, his stories of hard-work, success, and his advice on how to live a full life served as inspiration for all of the brothers that were lucky enough to hear him speak.  His words were a great way to refocus for the upcoming semester, and our Chapter is extremely fortunate to have such a successful and impressive group of Alumni that support the current group of brothers. 

Snow Days in Chapel Hill and Introduction of Spring Candidates

      Our Spring semester began with a slow start these past few weeks, as a fairly unforeseen snowstorm hit Chapel Hill late Tuesday, January 16th.  After the snow finished falling mid-day Wednesday, around 9 inches had accumulated and forced the remainder of the school week to be cancelled.  Therefore, brothers around Psi chapter were able to enjoy the snow days in a multitude of ways.  Although most residents of Chapel Hill were kept at home, our fearless cooks Big Sam and Angelo fought through the harsh conditions to serve food to whoever needed a meal at the house.  Their hard work and dedication did not go unaccounted for, as we are always thankful to be blessed with the best cooks in the Greek community. 

      In other news, Spring recruitment came to an end this past week, and our chapter was able to secure four new candidates to begin their pledgeship.  Matthew Spangler from Winston-Salem, Peyton Gillenwater from Greensboro, Max Hurst from Asheville and Connor Collins from Raleigh make up the four candidates.  We are excited about their interest in Sigma Nu and are looking forward to what they can bring to Psi Chapter.