Jack Wooten ’09 Shares Sigma Nu Memories


Akash Mishra recently had the opportunity to interview Jack Wooten ’09, an alum of the Psi Chapter. Jack is currently in his seventh year as an assistant coach for the men’s basketball team at Elon University.

What were your favorite Sigma Nu memories?

“One of my favorite overall memories was enjoying the front and back porches. I spent a lot of time soaking up the atmosphere while sitting on the back porch in the fall or spring, as well as reading the DTH and watching passers-by on the front benches. During LDOC of my senior year, our core group of guys who helped the chapter become what it is now enjoyed a beer on the roof the house, and we just reminisced on all of the memories we had over the four years.”

You were Phi Beta Kappa, and received the Burgess-McSwaim Scholar Athlete award. How were you able to manage balancing your basketball responsibilities with your schoolwork?

“My time management skills were solid. When I knew I had to get something done, I would separate myself from the temptations at the house. I was also competitive in just about everything, whether it was grades, or sports. The guys in the fraternity were all pro-studying, so nobody would ever dissuade each other when it was time to work.”

What are some things you’d like to see out of our brotherhood this year and in the next few years?

“Times were not exactly easy when we first got back on campus. There were times that we struggled to get guys and struggled with developing our image. We weren’t sure if we had to be like everyone else to feel validated. We soon realized that could stick true to our identity, and recruit the guys that best fit in to our group. There are a lot of guys that rush, so it is important to find those that are like-minded, because one or two bad apples can ruin everything. It’s always good to have fun, but that cannot be the only reason to join Sigma Nu. It’s important to be a good guy, have a good time, and be responsible enough to keep things fun for everyone else. I want to be able to come back for a football game and have a beer on the front porch, just as I did during my four years in the house. The voice of reason may not always be popular, but doing the right thing is always most important.“

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