Give Thanks for Sigma Nu

What is life like for you today? Chances are, Sigma Nu played a role in getting you to where you are. Whether you landed your dream job, met your significant other, or gained lifelong friends, there are many reasons to be thankful for your Sigma Nu experience. Here are our top four: 

  • Living out our shared vision of excelling with honor, set fourth by our founders
  • The many diverse friendships you established as undergraduates that define who you are even today
  • The house at 109 Fraternity Court that Psi Chapter has called home and has helped UNC feel more like home
  • Football tailgates, with delicious food from Chef Big Sam, and the many other opportunities you have had to return to the chapter house as an alum and re-live your favorite memories from your undergraduate days. 

We hope you’ll always hold your memories of Sigma Nu near to you and, as you give thanks this holiday season, remember that you have the halls of the Psi Chapter house to thank for being the stepping stone to the success, friendships, and memories you enjoy today. 

Show your thanks by clicking here to make your contribution to our annual fund. And, tell us why you’re thankful for Sigma Nu by clicking here to submit an update.