George Pace ’73 Shares Memories of the Good Old Days

 George Pace with his son, Richard

If you lived in the Psi Chapter house at the same time as George Pace ’73, there’s a good chance you remember learning a whole semester’s worth of economics from him in the card room the night before finals, or recovering from many a Saturday while watching Sunday football in the TV room with him and the rest of the brothers.

George recently wrote in to share some of his favorite Sigma Nu memories. Who else remembers some of these great times?

A few of his fond memories include:

  • “Cut-throat handball matches with Gary Helton ’73, George Moore ’73, and Fred Norman ’75
  • “Teaching a semester of economics in the card room to my brothers the night before exams”
  • “Watching NFL football games on Sunday afternoons in the TV room as we all recovered from Saturday night parties”
  • “Attending UNC vs. South Carolina basketball games — they were the best”
  • “Marathon three-on-three basketball games with James Taylor music in the background”
  • “Post-football quad parties”
  • “Receiving the Mr. Sigma Nu award from my brothers”

To say that George has been a busy man since his college days would be an understatement. After graduating from UNC with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in business administration, he spent 17 years with RJR Nabisco, where he held senior management positions in sales, marketing, and strategic planning at Nabisco and Del Monte Foods. He then served as President and CEO of Rocco, Inc., a privately held food company with over 3,500 employees.

Currently, George serves on multiple corporate and advisory boards, and is a founding member of the Shenandoah Valley Angel Investors network. In the public sector, George has served terms on the Harrisonburg Electric Commission, the Harrisonburg Planning Commission, and Harrisonburg City Council as Vice Mayor. He is the current chairman of the Go Virginia economic development initiative for the Shenandoah Valley.

George has graciously supported Psi Chapter by giving financially, and nonprofit service in general has been a clear passion for him through the years. He has served as a board member for Sentara’s Rockingham Memorial Hospital, WVPT Public Television, and the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Community Foundation. He currently serves on the advisory board of the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Boys and Girls Club, and on the public board of directors of the University of Virginia Physicians Group and the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Free Clinic.

Have your own memories or update to share? Submit an update here.