Doctors, Lawyers and Creatives…Do You Know Your Psi Network?

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” (Herman Melville)

Are you connected? Do you have the latest information about who is doing what across our Sigma Nu Psi Chapter brotherhood? Click below for a few updates on some of our younger alumni. Then, let us know your goals and how your brothers can help you reach them in 2015.

Gary Hankins ’67 — Los Angeles
President, Pygmalion, Inc.
Adjunct Professor, USC
Immediate Past President, National Speakers Assoc., Greater L.A. Chapter

Kenneth Lee ’77 — Washington, D.C.
VP, Business Development, Aspex Inc.

Robert Ball ’80 — Atlanta
JD, University of Georgia, 1986
Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Greg Walter ’85 — Charlotte
VP, Partnership Development, Speedway Motorsports, Inc.

Pete Carr ’87 — Raleigh
Senior Copywriter/Content Development, TMO Systems, Inc.

Todd Ballenger ’88 — Raleigh-Durham
Senior VP, Vantage Production, LLC
Founder, National Institute of Financial Education
President, KendallTodd, Inc.

David Smith ’88 — Chapel Hill
Founder/Creative Leader, Immortology

Erik Mikysa ’00 — Tulsa, Okla.
MBA, Stanford, 2005
Director of Hilti Services, Hilti USA
Sigma Nu International Man of the Year, 1999

Chris Reinard ’01 — Pittsburgh
JD, University of Pittsburgh, 2007
Associate Counsel, Allegheny Health Network
Chairman/Board of Directors, Northside Industrial Development Company

Preston Smith ’01 — Tampa/St. Petersburg, Fla.
MBA, UNC, 2013
Finance Operations Manager, Amazon

Grayson Armstrong ’09 — Boston
Pursuing M.D., Brown University
Chair, AMA Medical Student Section, AMA
Fellow, Harvard Graduate School Leadership Institute
MPH, Harvard School of Public Health, 2014
Former Psi Chapter Scholarship Chair

Ethan Bowers ’09 — Charlotte
Pursuing MBA, UNC
Former Psi Chapter President

Nathan Powell ’09 — Washington, D.C.
Pursuing JD and MS in Foreign Service, Georgetown University Law Center
Former Intern, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Former Intern, National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies

This is the time when many of us make plans to reach new goals in the new year. Let us know your goals and how your brothers can help you reach them in 2015. Email us at [email protected]. Be sure to reference Sigma Nu at UNC.