Share your favorite story with us!
We all love to reminisce. It’s great fun to remember all the memorable (and often hilarious) times we had together as brothers. Many of your fondest memories of college, may be related to your participation in sporting events with your Psi brothers. March Madness is an event that has often united brothers in following the contest to see who was college basketball’s best team. If it was the home team, we were off the charts in rallying our support and if we didn’t have a team in the hunt, we still enjoyed the games (pizza and the occasional beverage.)
So what are your special March Madness memories?
These days, thanks to our great alumni website, you can go online any time you feel like it and share memories and pictures with your brothers. When you post your stories and updates to our alumni website, you may find yourself re-connecting with old friends you haven’t been in touch with for years. You can also email your college memories of Psi to our managing editor; We want to hear from you!
So what are your favorite Spring memories? Perhaps it was the time the whole Chapter gathered around a small screen TV to watch the Final Four (if rabbit-ears were adjusted JUST right.) Maybe it’s that all-night study session that ended in a 4:00 a.m. pizza run. Or it could be something special about your last months with Psi before graduation.
Not sure what to share? Check out the list below-we’ve come up with a short set of questions to help you take (and share) the trip down memory lane:
* What is your favorite memory from the Spring semester during your fraternity years?
* What was your favorite Chapter event during Spring semester?
* Do you still keep in touch with any brothers? Who?
* Tell us about memories tied to specific events (March Madness, Spring formals, graduation, etc.)
* Do you have pictures from your fraternity days to share?
That’s what being a brother is all about; engagement and connection with our oldest and dearest friends from some of the best years of our lives.
So please take some time to share your memories with us. They are special and worth preserving. You can go to the website (Alumni Updates Link) to submit an update online or just email . We really DO want to hear from you!