On September 26, the Psi Chapter hosted Chris Healy for dinner and discussion. Chris was a Sigma Nu National Headquarters Regional Advisor and was extremely instrumental in recolonizing our chapter in 2006. He stayed in Granville Towers for six months that year, as he recruited the first pledge class and reintegrated Sigma Nu in the UNC Greek community.
EC David Vitek and LC Samuel Agnew had the opportunity to chat with Chris at Grand Chapter in San Diego this summer. They discussed Psi Chapter history at length, which set in motion our efforts to set up a time to meet with Chris during the school year. As Chris lives in California, we would have been grateful to have just video-chatted with him. But as it turned out, Chris came to the east coast in late September to attend a wedding at the Legion of Honor in Lexington, VA. He was nice enough to drive down to Chapel Hill after the wedding.
He ate dinner at the house with all of the brothers and spoke to the chapter shortly after. He offered us advice on how to improve as a chapter and how to remain sustainable for years to come. Chris got to know Dr. Henry T. Clark’s family very well during his time here in 2006, and he shared several incredible stories with us about Dr. Clark’s time at UNC, as well as his philanthropic and humanitarian efforts later on in life. After Chris concluded his talk, we were able to ask him some questions. Several members of the ABR were present for Chris’ visit, and they shared several pieces of insight as well.
We were extremely thankful that Chris was able to come down and impart his wisdom to us. His words resonated strongly with the entire chapter, and we look forward using it to add on to our chapter’s strong and proud legacy.