Doctors, Lawyers and Creatives…Do You Know Your Psi Network?

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” (Herman Melville)
Are you connected? Do you have the latest information about who is doing what across our Sigma Nu Psi Chapter brotherhood? Click below for a few updates on some of our younger alumni. Then, let us know your goals and how your brothers can help you reach them in 2015.
Meet Our New Psi Chapter Commander, Austin Jacobs ’17

My name is Austin Jacobs, and I am a sophomore from Pfafftown, N.C. — right outside of Winston-Salem. I am double majoring in economics/management and society and will be graduating in the year of 2017. This responsibility as commander for the Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu means a lot to me. I want to see the chapter grow in all aspects that the fraternity holds. Click below to read more from Austin.
In Their Shoes

As alumni, we understand that we cannot ask a lifetime of experience from young men who are just learning what leadership means. We have to show them. That is how we learned. So, please consider giving your time to our Psi Chapter in 2015. We assure you that this is not an overwhelming responsibility — just your time to help in oversight of the chapter house and to serve in an advisory position. Won’t you take a more active role? Click below to read more.
Sigma Nu is calling- will you answer?
Since you’ve graduated, you’ve decided to fight for many different things- you’ve invested and bettered yourself because you had a personal stake in the outcome. Your “fights” have won you a higher wage, a family, a place to live, or even retirement.
We’re calling you back to the tribe.
We need you, our tribe of Sigma Nu brothers, to band together again, just as you did as undergraduates in your pledge classes. Think back to those years: somewhere between a dozen and two dozen men living in the house, occasionally having parties, having talks together, constantly working toward the benefit of the group…we are a tribe, like it or not.

Don’t pretend you aren’t excited… To read more about our recent jump up the ranks click below.