Chapter Updates

Sigma Nu had a busy holiday season at the end of 2017…

Holiday Festivities at the House

            The month of December in Chapel Hill brought lots of excitement and activity to the brothers of Sigma Nu.  Aside from the busyness and stress that final exams provide, December was a great month for the chapter as we held a couple of different events for both brotherhood and social. 

National Update

NIC Bolsters Health and Safety Standards Nationwide

Despite no-hazing policies and other rules and regulations in place, no campus is safe from the fraternity-related injuries, deaths, and other tragedies that have dominated the headlines in recent years. In response, the North-American Interfraternity Council made some major announcements in 2017 regarding the need for improved safety and health measures for fraternities nationwide and their plan to address said needs.

Help the True Meaning of Fraternity Live On

The future of Greek life depends on your support and encouragement

Happy new year brothers! We hope you all had a great time with family and friends over the holiday season. As we head into the Spring semester, we also need to keep in mind that out current undergraduate brothers are counting on all of you to help them make the most of their time with Psi Chapter.

Alumni Update – Garrison Gay ’14

Brother Gay 14′ gets his sea legs “As a recent alumni I have never felt more inspired to be a part of our organization. I love this brotherhood with my heart and soul. Every single person has touched me in one way or another. I finally was able to get my dream job with Bank […]

Re-Connect this Holiday Season

Happy Holidays brothers! What are your New Year’s resolutions? Did you make a pact with yourself to spend more time with the family? To read more? Travel more? Maybe your resolution involves keeping in better contact with your Sigma Nu brothers. Whatever it is, we want to know about it! Send us stories and pictures […]

Why Strong Graduate Connections are Good for Your Health

As men grow older, they tend to let their friendships lapse. But there’s still time to do something about it.

Recently, The Boston Globe published an article with a pretty shocking headline… “The biggest threat facing middle-age men isn’t smoking or obesity. It’s loneliness.”

Letter to Alumni – Fall 2017

Dear Brothers of Psi Chapter:

We are closing in on another calendar year at Psi Chapter with literally just a few more days of class before we get to fall semester exams.

Giving Tuesday – Giving Thanks To You

This holiday season, we recognize the generous donors who make our organization a success. Because of your contributions, we are able to maintain a thriving alumni association, support a quality active chapter, and upkeep our home at UNC. Whether you contribute to the home corporation or make in-kind donations for needed supplies and projects at […]

Parent’s Weekend 2017

Families Gathered for a Great Weekend of Festivities and Football!

The Psi Chapter welcomed over 130 parents on the weekend of October 6-7 for our annual Parent’s Weekend.