Alumni Updates

If you haven’t responded to our alumni updates survey from last month, there’s still time to share. Click HERE to reminisce about some favorite Holiday Memories from your days with Sigma Nu, and to share some of your own!

2020: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The Sigma Nu memories don’t have to end with graduation. Brotherhood is for life. Click “Read More” to see some pictures from Sigma Nu undergraduate and Alumni events and highlights from past years as we look forward to adding to these memories in 2020!

January Chapter Update

Although we did not take a spring pledge class as originally planned, all of the Brothers still had a great time over the course of the month of January. We started off the semester by having our annual Camo Karaoke cocktail on the first Friday back and have also had two mixers that were 80s […]

What’s New With You, Brother?

It’s easy to lose touch with the people who matter most. In the wise words of Mary Schmich, “the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.” Let your Brothers know what’s happening in your life. Click HERE to take our survey, and we’ll share your updates […]

Now is the Time to Join the Sigma Nu Honor Roll!

The holiday season is upon us, and there are only a couple of days left in 2019. To preserve the legacy of your time with Sigma Nu, and to ensure future generations can have those same experiences, we call on you for help. Click “Read More” to see how you can give back to Sigma Nu.

Benefits of Sigma Nu Brotherhood

Greek life is not only worth perpetuating but is a vital part of the American collegiate system which changes lives for the better. Click “Read More” to learn more about the benefits of Sigma Nu, and how you can help to preserve its legacy of excellence!

Thanksgiving is the Time of Year to Reconnect with Sigma Nu Brothers!

The time of year for giving thanks is here! In this time of Thanksgiving, we should strive to remember our friends and express our gratitude to the important people in our lives. Click “Read More” to see how Sigma Nu can help you maintain your relationships with former Brothers.

Chapter Update

October was a very busy month for the fraternity. Earlier in the month, we worked with the sorority Alpha Phi for a cookout in which Big Sam made hamburgers and hot dogs. The event was a huge success. Halloweekend was an extremely fun time to be around the house. Friday night we had our parents […]

Where Are Your Donations Going?

Most of our Brothers, don’t need a reason to give to Psi Chapter. We give because Psi Chapter taught us how to be men, how to be loyal, and most importantly how to support each other. That being said, it is still easier to give when you know where your generosity is being allocated. 

Click “Read More” to see what your generosity will help pay for this giving year.