As Thanksgiving approaches, now is a great time to reflect on everything you’re thankful for, including Sigma Nu. Tom Truitt ’85, like so many of you, is extremely grateful for his fraternity experience, most notably, the strong relationships he’s developed with brothers. “I’m particularly thankful for the deep, lasting relationships I have maintained with many brothers,” he said.
He has regularly gotten together with many of his brothers for the last 25 years. “The nucleus of my pledge class gathers every fall in Cashiers for a golf trip and has done so regularly for 25 years,” he said.
He’s also grateful that some younger brothers have started to organize reunions on a yearly basis. “The younger guys (circa 1987) have been organizing the best reunion party, called the Tar Heel Tailgate every fall in Chapel Hill,” he said.
As time goes on Tom believes it’s even more important to maintain these relationships he developed many years ago as an undergraduate because their importance dramatically increases. “As we age, these relationships carry much more significance in my life,” he says.
Why are you thankful for your Sigma Nu experience? Tell us by clicking here to submit an update.