An Update from the Chapter Leadership

Psi Chapter leadership has issued a statement regarding the status of the Chapter in a letter to all Alumni members. See below for the full statement and photos of the renovations made to the Chapter House this summer. 

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Photos of the renovations made to the house this summer. 

Dear Psi Alumni:

I am writing this letter to fully inform you of the investigation into rules violations at the Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity during the fall semester of 2015.  The subsequent investigation spanned into the spring semester of 2016 and a formal Plan of Action has now been implemented to address the violations and sanctions imposed on the Psi Chapter by Sigma Nu General Fraternity and the University of North Carolina.

As you may already be aware, Sigma Nu General Fraternity, Inc. (hereinafter “Headquarters”) was notified of potential hazing allegations in late October 2015. Professional staff from Headquarters performed an investigation in October 2015 to determine what, if any, violations of Sigma Nu policy were committed. After the investigation, it was determined that there were several violations of Sigma Nu policy; notably hazing and underage drinking. Because the Psi Chapter violated Sigma Nu policy in the early fall 2015 semester due to another alcohol violation, Headquarters staff recommended strong sanctions, including the establishment of an Alumni Board of Receivers.

Headquarters staff provided the results of the investigation to the University of North Carolina along with a recommended course of action. After performing a formal Standards Review in the early part of the spring semester, the University of North Carolina agreed with the recommended plan, while also adding several requirements. Notably, the chapter will not be allowed to have social events with alcohol until the Plan of Action has been completed and remedial reorganization of all Chapter operations is complete. Removal of social restrictions at that time is dependent on the satisfaction of the other requirements of Headquarters and the University of North Carolina. The chapter is still allowed to sponsor and participate in alcohol-free social events, participate in intramurals, perform philanthropy events, and otherwise participate in all other campus activities.

After consulting with Headquarters and members of the Alumni Advisory Board, I was named chairman of the Alumni Board of Receivers. Other alumni of the Psi Chapter have also volunteered for the Alumni Board of Receivers. Together, we will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the chapter for approximately the next year. Additionally, we will be developing a candidate education program that is free from hazing of all kinds.

As mentioned, members of the Board of Receivers in consultation with Headquarters staff performed a membership review. This was required both by Sigma Nu General Fraternity and by the University of North Carolina. Each member was reviewed for academic success, participation in chapter and campus activities, and previous university violations. Additionally, each member was provided the opportunity to interview with a member of Headquarters staff and a member of the Board of Receivers.

As a result of this membership review, 25 members of the fraternity were suspended from the chapter. Any member with more than one prior university violation, or an illegal drug violation was suspended. Some of the men were also suspended because they did not indicate a willingness to work with chapter leadership to implement the plan developed by Sigma Nu General Fraternity. Finally, some men declined to participate in the interview process and were also suspended. By the terms of the suspension, these men will not be allowed to participate in any Sigma Nu activities until they graduate. Additionally, if suspended they will not be allowed to continue to live in the chapter home.

The Alumni Board of Receivers has appointed new Chapter Leadership and those individuals are participating in workshops and leadership development activities over the summer months.  We anticipate 58 to 61 active brothers returning to the Chapter this fall. A strong fall recruitment will be necessary to sustain the operation of the Chapter into the future.  All tailgates this fall during football season will be alcohol free. However, you can expect a good assortment of food and light beverages for your visits to the Chapter House. Parking will be available as well on a first come first serve basis. 

We are embarking on a new course of operation for Psi Chapter that will be difficult for all involved. Our Alumni Board needs to be retooled with new faces and younger members.  We are in good financial shape currently and the Chapter House is undergoing annual maintenance and renovation. If you have desire to participate, please contact me directly.

I understand this is a lot of information. The Board of Receivers wanted to err on the side of over informing. Please let me or any other member of the Board of Receivers know if you have any questions or concerns about the investigation or the plan of action moving forward.

For the Alumni Board of Receivers,


Bob Lewis                                                                                                                              

Chairman, Alumni Board of Receivers

President, Psi Home Association of Sigma Nu, Inc.

[email protected]



Alumni Board of Receivers:

Bob Lewis, Chairman

Michael Crook, Vice Chairman

Bob James

David Crispin

Graham Ashe

Michael Jordan

Noel Dunivant

David Vitek, Emminent Commander of Psi Chapter

[email protected]
