In July of 1998, Dr. Henry T. Clark Jr. made a generous donation to establish the Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity Fund. The fund, which accrues roughly $3,000 per year in interest, was created with the purpose of supporting semesterly awards to outstanding students who are members of Sigma Nu at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As the Psi Chapter strives to raise our cumulative GPA and academic standards, we want to commend hard working brothers for their achievements. The fund is decreasing in size, and there is not currently a plan to replenish the money being taken out. Next semester the value of each award we give out is scheduled to be cut in half. With the support and generosity of our alumni, we hope to keep the value of the scholarships as they have been for the past several years. If you feel so inclined, and would like to donate any value to the Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity Fund please email the scholarship chair, Grant Egnatz, at [email protected].