10 of the Best Psi Pics Ever Taken?

Below is a collection of 10 of some of the best Psi Chapter photos ever taken. Or are they the best? Every single one of them has a great story behind it. If you know the story, leave it in the comment box below. And send us your own top Sigma Nu UNC photos (especially from more recent decades) to share by CLICKING HERE.


In the Beginning

Our Psi brotherhood in 1903, 15 years after receiving their charter at UNC. (Yackety Yack 1903)


The Sigma Nu Sun Flowers

This photo from 1938 describes these brothers as the “Sigma Nu Sun Flowers.” (Yackety Yack)


A Sign of the Times

Nearly all brothers in this 1944 photo represent a branch of military service. Are any of them still with us?


The Boys of Summer

Several brothers at Morehead Beach, 1948.


And He Is Still Smiling …

Does anyone know this brother’s story? (Yackety Yack, 1954)


No Skinny Dippin’! Shocker!

It looks like a Homecoming float in the background of this 1966 photo. What’s the story here?


I’m Going In!

Another photo from 1966. Looks like a flood in the front yard. Who, what, where and why?


There’s Always That One Guy!

Great photo from 1970, but what’s up with the guy in the back (far right)? We’re lovin’ the hat!


Sigma Nu Hoops!

These brothers have some moves. Seems like each decade of Psi brothers had their own stars on the hardwood. What are your memories of great Sigma Nu UNC games?


The ’80s: ’Nuf Said!

Apparently, this is what it meant to be “cool” in 1984. That was 31 years ago! Where are they now?